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May 29, 20193 min read
Why cloud-first shouldn’t mean cloud-only
It’s been ten years since Oracle’s Larry Ellison had his Thomas Watson moment, dismissing cloud computing as a fad, nonsense and absurd....

Jun 26, 20183 min read
Sailing the digital sea
That the world is a much smaller place thanks to the internet and digital communication technology has probably not escaped anyone’s...

Feb 27, 20182 min read
Building an entrepreneurial culture
Last year this time I wrote that you should take an entrepreneurial view of your organisation and start experimenting and breaking stuff....

Jul 3, 20173 min read
The storm on the horizon for cloud computing
Like the wheel or the printing press, cloud computing is more exciting because of what it enables, rather than for its own sake. Much has...

May 30, 20173 min read
How running to standstill won’t get you ahead of the pack
Ask anyone how they are nowadays, and the answer is likely to be ‘crazy busy’ or something along those lines. Today’s world, designed...

Sep 28, 20152 min read
Is Cloud a passing trend?
Although there has been a trend towards cloud services over the past years both locally and internationally; there is a part of me that...
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