May 13, 20212 min

We love our customers!

Thank you for reviewing us on Gartner Peer Insights.

Our team at IDU takes tremendous pride in offering a great product and excellent customer service, so receiving positive reviews like the one we recently received on Gartner Peer Insights makes all the hard work worthwhile. Customer engagement continues to shape our development roadmap and the success of our products and services.

On the 9th March 2021, we received this review from one of our amazing customers.

Service from sale to implementation to production has been consistent and outstanding. Knowledge of what the user requires has been excellent! Continued service has been consistent with the excellent services provided during the implementation period.

Don't continue using Excel and other time-consuming budget, forecasting, and monthly management account tools to perform your financial management - get IDU as soon as possible. It will bring immediate benefits to your budgeting, forecasting and monthly management account process, and assist with enhancing the financial management culture within your organisation. Management will be driven to take ownership of the financial well-being and success of their business units, departments and functions! Overall, it will support a high performing Financial Function and the overall financial health of the business or group! " - Director in the Finance Industry. To read the full review click here.

To read the reviews written about our products by the Finance professionals who use them, please see the Corporate Financial Planning Applications page on Gartner Peer Insights.

To our customers who submitted reviews, thank you! These reviews mould our products and our customer journey, and we look forward to building on the experience that earned this review!

If you have an IDU story to share, we encourage you to join the Gartner Peer Insights crowd and weigh in.

Gartner Peer Insights
Gartner Peer Insights reviews constitute the subjective opinions of individual end-users based on their own experiences and do not represent the views of Gartner or its affiliates.